


とりあえずIAU 国際天文学会の惑星の定義の素案なんだけど
問題は プルート君とカロンちゃんの問題なのね ダブルプらネット の議論なのね
親切に翻訳するきはまったくありません プロじゃないので
おまけ学会が作った太陽系のCG 楽しめます!!
Press Releases During GA 2006
そして これがQ&A
The IAU draft definition of "planet" and "plutons"

Q: What is a “double planet”?
A: A pair of objects, which each independently satisfy the definition of “planet” are considered a “double planet” if they orbit each other around a common point in space that is technically known as the “barycentre”. In addition, the definition of “double planet” requires that this “barycentre” point must not be located within the interior of either body.

Q: What is a “satellite” of a planet?
A: For a body that is large enough (massive enough) to satisfy the definition of “planet”, an object in orbit around the planet is called a “satellite” of the planet if the point that represents their common centre of gravity (called the “barycentre”) is located inside the surface of the planet.

Q: The Earth’s moon is spherical. Is the Moon now eligible to be called a “planet”?
A: No. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. The reason the Moon is called a “satellite” instead of a “planet” is because the common centre of gravity between the Earth and Moon (called the “barycentre”) resides below the surface of the Earth.

Q: Why is Pluto-Charon a “double planet” and not a “planet with a satellite”?
A: Both Pluto and Charon each are large enough (massive enough) to be spherical. Both bodies independently satisfy the definition of “planet”. The reason they are called a “double planet” is that their common centre of gravity is a point that is located in free space outside the surface of Pluto. Because both conditions are met: each body is “planet-like” and each body orbits around a point in free space that is not inside one of them, the system qualifies to be called a “double planet.”