


brain-machine interface

Brain-machine interface (BMI) is a collaboration in which a brain accepts and controls a mechanical device as a natural part of its representation of the body. By reading signals from an array of neurons and using computer chips and programs to translate the signals into action, scientists hope it will be possible for a person suffering from paralysis to control a motorized wheelchair or a prosthetic limb by just thinking about it.
One of the biggest challenges in developing brain-machine interface technology involves the development of electrode devices and surgical methods that are minimally invasive. Scientists are now working on developing a telemetry chip to collect and transmit data through the skull without any external sockets or cables. It is expected that in the future, brain-interface devices, which require deliberate conscious thought, will be as common as pacemakers or cochlear implants, which work involuntarily.

DARPA, the independent research branch of the U.S. Department of Defense that helped fund the Internet, is funding research in BMI.



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 人間とはなにか 宗教はものの善悪はどうなってしまうのだ